Hope for our Anxious Days

I was told recently to listen to life as it's writing a story on us . . .In those hard days it's speaking to us if we'll just listen to it.{Thank you Gary Morland}These words feel like they were engraved for me right now and I wonder how many of you need to hear them too . . .Because sometimes friends life is screaming for our attention and our grace.And what I've been realizing lately is-- even though this season feels awfully hard, the next one will be hard too.You see, inside the seconds we breathe and exhale - life is happening in these moments of time calling for our attention.But how many of us are rushing to get through, wanting this season to hurry up and end?Yet, what is life trying to tell us in the here and now?You know the depth of our best stories are written in the familiarity of life and the intimacy of pain.--This past week my exposure to suffering brushed up against people's pain and my heart sat with them in their heartache and pain.But sometimes we don't really want to hear someone speak of what's hurting. We want them to live a pain-free life, yet the reality is this isn't really living when we ignore what's happening to others, even if that means suffering days. --As I've leaned in close to a dear friend this week, who's been like a mom to me ever since we moved here, she's been teaching me. As she's weakening from a brutal disease which has overtaken her body, I asked her what I could pray for her and she told me I wouldn't want to hear the prayer of her heart. I quickly responded with the answer  she wanted to hear. She wanted to be given a place to speak the words and the truth is I had to be ready to hear them. Her desperate plea was permission to leave.She asked me to pray her on home as she's ready to go. She's suffered a lot and is wanting to be healed in the arms of God. I don't blame her and even understand the longing within her heart. Because sometimes we hang on so tightly to what's here instead of leading others on home. Yet God says he puts this longing within our hearts.Another good friend who's been fighting his own brave battle said it well as he spoke of facing the unknown, he wins in life and he wins in death as well. These words reminded me of Paul's words in Philippians, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain".These two courageous souls reminded me life is about listening to the story it's writing upon us. And although its full of changes and what sometimes seems unbearable, there's so much to be paid attention to. Because when our lives are on the brink of falling apart, it gives us the most.I truly get it, this part of being human can feel all too heavy. In fact the sheer fear of loss can cause us to miss out on truly living. I lived this way for a long time, protecting and avoiding the pain it could bring. But I recently noticed when we live life afraid, we miss out in finding pure joy and we miss God himself. God, the author of each of us, is writing his story on us to carry into a busted and broken world. --The way to joy is in singing out our gratitude.Friend, even in the midst of the hard & holy moments -Our worship becomes the antidote for our anxious hearts.Because singing our thanks is a cure for our stress-filled lives. David, known as a man after God's own heart eloquently pens this in the Psalms, how our worship overcomes even our deepest anguish. Scientists are even saying worship boosts our immune system and improve the overall health of our heart . . . Worship is a gift to us as much as it is to God. And we know this because there's really nothing more healing than pressing our broken heart up against God's. A rhythm of worship overcomes our anxiety and fills us with peace. In the midst of all life is penning on us, if we will allow the words of our worship to fill in our fears, we will experience the life God has written for us. And it's here, we align our heart with all of heaven as well.--As I sat with my friend's husband yesterday, the one who will be left to grieve, he was dreading the impending loss of her always sitting beside him.My heart ached with his pain. Because sometimes it's the empty chair and the hole in our heart that reminds us of what we're losing. I listened and ached for his loss. Because I can't imagine losing the one I've found love with. I can't imagine the lonely nights and the long days. I can't imagine how one finds their way when the one they've held the hand of is no longer there. Because I haven't experienced that loss yet. But this past year has caused me to think of these things a lot lately and have reminded me to count them as blessings each day.So, as I sat there beside his broken heart I reminded him that in worship he's in the presence of all of heaven and in worship his heart will find it's healing. I'm not sure my words meant anything to him or if they even were heard.  Because honestly sometimes a heart that is grieving can only bear to carry what is in the present day. And I know each person has to walk through it with God alone. So, today I lift up my worship for those who are carrying an aching heart around with them and need someone to know their pain. I wish I could make another way for you, but I can't. But what I can give you is my presence. Because what might feel like it's killing you now, will heal and it will get better and you will find beauty one day; not only once you're past it, but in the midst of it as well. And until the healing begins, my heart will be lifting you up to God, who loves you more deeply and more fully than any of us humans possibly can . . . ♥️   


Finding Joy in the Holy Days


The God of all Comfort