Ruthann J. Weece

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Worship MORE and Worry LESS...

When something really hard & holy crashes into your home no one ever tells you that doing what you've always done might not be enough. Because first off that would be a rude way to care for a friend and secondly most of us don't know what it takes to survive another person's hard days. But sometimes we need that word.We need to be told we might have to change in order to walk through the days ahead. Because sometimes we all need a reset...something to shift within our soul.Because how we view God gives us a picture of ourselves...I never realized how much things could change for us. I never knew how Joe would rely on me somedays more than I leaned into him.I never really understood how many people are going through their own version of hard and keep on going day after day. I never knew how many people are hiding secrets too afraid to be known. And mostly because we live our lives much of the same way day after day year after year viewing change as something we steer away from and do as little of it as possible. But sometimes change invites itself in and you have to do the adjusting...Because if you don't, you won't survive......From the first day we heard of Joe's diagnosis to the days we're walking through now we've been learning to walk in a new rhythm... You see friend, I tried my ways for years...because that's what we do, we do what we know and what we've always done. But life won't always adjust like this.Because sometimes its time to change.And when we change something beautiful happens; everything around us begins to change too. Our priorities, our perspective and our people change-sometimes in small ways but often in much bigger ways than we'd ever expected. Because change does doesn't leave people or places the way it finds them.And this is often a good thing. ..A couple of months ago as we began sharing how we were going to fight this battle with worship we were asked a question something like this...'Are you sure this thing will really carry you through? Like when it gets hard are you sure you want to make this kind of commitment to worship?'I get it.I really do.Because at first this question got me thinking too.You see I don't like to make commitments I can't keep and I don't ever want to lead others somewhere I'm unable to go.So I wondered what worship might really look like on the ugliest of days...When suddenly I heard an inner voice remind me that the One who led us here would also lead us through this. -I think we can sometimes walk through fires and not really see God until that massive explosion hits and then we search for him like never before.This is what choosing worship has been for us.It's been a pursuit of finding God in the midst of the fireLooking for him past the flames and even feeling him in the burn. ..In this we've been finding how a worshipful life is an attentive life; as our eyes continue shifting from our struggle towards God.Like Job who chose to praise God in the midst of so much pain we too have an invitation to find God in our circumstances.   You see, when we chose Worship Over Worry we had no idea it would result in so many blessings...honestly I said the words as a desperate reach to not choose worry. But in it we've been finding how...God is glorified...we're strengthened...and heaven is activated in worship.And friend, there's truly nothing more powerful than this. ..Because although we'll each face many valleys-God's here with us and he promises to walk us out the other side...Some people say brokenness is a curse but I truly believe God uses it to draw us into his presence...And we must turn back to Jesus as many times as it takes for us to find ourselves in his presence.