Ruthann J. Weece

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Hope & Healing

Where's your soul today?

Our soul can get so overwhelmed with all sorts of things, which are begging for our attention.

Maybe, you're feeling like this today.

I know I sure have been lately.

There's so many things that can weigh on us and sometimes it can honestly feel like it's plainly too much.

Because sometimes what's calm collides with the crazy . . . and our strength is overpowered by our weakness . . . because the prognosis we hoped for we didn't get.

Our 2019 was a year that was just that for us.

It was full of hills + valleys and just walking out of it became our relief.

But what we thought would be different in 2020 has shown us maybe this is life and the life we are sometimes searching for is much further in the distance.

The one that's waiting for us on the other side.

Maybe you're looking for him to make a way out for you today.

Maybe you're hoping it looks more like a vacation on the beach, some extra cash in your bank account, a restored relationship, your wayward child returning . . . or the answer to that prayer you've been on your knees about for years.

I don't know what is weighing on your heart today.

But I've been contemplating maybe life is more about our heart's devotion than it is about the unwanted circumstances we seem to be surviving these days.

God's always been more about his people's heart than our happiness . . . their fruitfulness than what's eating at us . . . more about his people than finishing projects.

But I often get distracted with the worries of this life and forget this.

I get caught up in trying to solve and control things I have no business messing with.

Because I honestly think he needs my help.

And this is when things really get all twisted up.

So, here's the hope for us today . . .

Our struggle is no surprise for God. If life brings a gushing river and we feel like we might drown

. . . let's remember.

The times we've traveled the hard path and he rescued us.

The day we felt all alone and he ushered someone right into our presence and lifted our eyes to what he was doing all along.

And most of all the lesson that's deep inside this for us today . . .

What might look a whole lot like it came to ruin us lets remember God will use it to restore us.

Friend, I get it life can be excruciatingly hard.

Healing is hard + painful.

Sometimes growth feels like it's killing us.

And surviving something can feel more like we're failing.

But sometimes the way we're changing inside becomes the most beautiful part of our story.

Because sometimes the wounds we once had heal and their raw edges turn into new skin and it becomes proof to the thing we thought was ruining us was really creating a beautiful story inside of us.

One that tells of our God who came beside us and saw us through what we once wondered if we would survive.

Because God is a masterful healer like that who doesn't let our heart break without walking us through and being there on the other side to heal it.

So, today if life is heavy remember where God has walked with you before and how he's never let you walk alone.